Open Day


easy going, carefree, casual, unconcerned, untroubled, unworried, cheerfully.



OPEN DAY 2018/09/04 オープン日

John’s English Conversation and Games Room is opening. Many requests and much encouragement came from Koniya people. Gaining confidence in speaking English is the key objective. The room has now been adapted so we can learn Happy Go Lucky English  through conversation and games. English books, for beginners to advanced learners, are in the library for your use.


Come along, everyone welcome:緒に、誰も歓迎する:be inquisitive, come and look: 探求的で、来て見てください

  •  have some refreshments: いくつかの飲み物を持っている
  •  browse the English resources: 英語のリソースを閲覧する
  • importantly, sit and talk with me and others. 重要なことに、私と他の人と座って話す
  • do you want to speak English?  Let’s do it together. 英語を話したいですか?一緒にやりましょう

Choose your best time  あなたのベストタイムを選択してください

Morning     9:30-11:30  Adults: mainly for mothers

Afternoon    1:30-3:30       Adults:

Afternoon 4:30-6:30     Students: Mainly Senior High School.

Evening     7:30-10:30   Mainly adults, When you are free after work

朝   9:30-11:30大人:主に母親のため午

後 1:30〜3:30大人:午後


夕方 7:30-10:30主に大人、仕事後は自.                                      由. になる

If you cannot come on opening day please contact me to arrange a time for group observation and participation.


Contact Information

  • Kagoshima-ken, Oshima-gun, Setouchi-cho, Ominato 10-13 #894-1503, Minimi Maru Office
  • +8108095587836

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