"Happy Go Lucky" English's aim is to have enjoyable conversations with friends.​

I'm waiting for your call.

Defintion, 定義: easy going, carefree, casual, unconcerned, untroubled, unworried, cheerful.


Also, with “Go Lucky”, I hope that  as you gain confidence as an English speaker, it will bring you luck. The doors will open  for new friendships as well planned and unforeseen opportunities.また、 “Go Lucky”を使用すると、英語を話す人として自信を持てるようになり、幸運がもたらされることを願っています。新しい友情と同様に計画された、そして予期しない機会のためにドアは開くでしょう。

Conversation and Games Room

Tokuhara Toshihiko has generously allowed me to  adapt the games room behind his Minimi Maru Office for a “conversation room” Here we can have round the table conversation, and general study to meet your needs, make fun presentation as well as take the table covers off and play billiards while using English, of course.


Conversation and Games Room

Giving Presentations is Fun

My home town
Yeah, Off to Naze High School together
Australia Trip

Plan Your Lesson

Flexibile Arrangements  


Flexible Class Size


Flexible Venue  

Koniya (Shodon and Hyo)

Flexibility the key

    •  Arrangements to suit your  needs & circumstances.
    • You can meet me individually or join a group
    • Make up a group of friends to meet at your place        

Class Numbers

    • One on one
    • Small groups 1-3
    • Larger Groups 4-6+ 

Venues in Koniya

(Shodon and Hyo)

    •  Conversation & Games Room  
    • Your Private Home
    • Your Business Office
    • Coffee shop(s)
    • Restaurant(s)
    • Arcadia yacht @ mooring

Lesson Fees


one on one                            

1.5 hours

3000 yen



Small Groups(2-3)

1.5 hours

2000 yen



Larger Groups (4-6+)

1.5 hours

1500 yen


Jnr/High School Stds

Small Groups (2-3)

1.0 hour   

1000  yen


Jnr/High School Stds

Small Groups (4-6+)                               

1.0 hour   

500  yen



English and Games evenings

from 8PM

2000 yen**

Adult Monthly Fee: English Conversation Room  8000yen (4 times a month; 14000yen (8 times a month morning or night) 15000yen (8 times a month + game evening)

SURVEY: KONIYA  (Shodon and Hyo): 
English Conversation Lessons

You'll be happy when you submit the form below (申し込みはこちらから)

If “Other”, or “your suggestion”, please tell me in the comments below. 「その他」または「あなたの提案」の場合は、下記のコメント欄で教えてください。
if “other”, please tell me in the comments below. 「その他」の場合は、下記のコメント欄で教えてください。
Have you previously studied English? 以前英語を勉強しましたか。How many years? 何年? Why do you want to study English? なぜあなたは英語を勉強したいのですか?



Click to download and print a copy:   HGLE-SURVEYpdf