


「アルカディア」は2018年3月15日に「メルボルン~大阪 オーシャンヨットレース」に参加しました。大阪からオーストラリアへ航海中、小笠原近海で運悪くギア不具合からダメージを受け、結果としてレースを棄権することになりました。父島港において基本的な修理は行ったのですが、古仁屋港に来て更なる修理を行い、冬の荒い気象条件を避け、大阪への帰りの航海に備えたいというのが最初の思いでした。

古仁屋港に停泊してこれまでの2か月間は、ヨット上で暮らし、奄美や加計呂麻を探検してきました。そこで多くの地元の方々に接し、良くしていただいたことに感謝しており、今では(もう少し長期に滞在し)恩返しに何か地域のために貢献したいと思っています。 私はこれまで大阪で15年間、大学やビジネスカレッジ、高校での英語教授(教師)や企業、ビジネスマンへの英語教育担当として働いてきました。ニュージーランドでは農村(田舎)ビジネスコンサルタントをしていました。家族はニュージーランドのクライストチャーチ(ニュージーランド南島の東海岸にある観光都市)に住んでいます。


Why don’t you experience English conversation or yacht sailing? ~

I am a New Zealander and I am John Wilson. Currently, we are anchored in Koniya port for repairing Yacht “Arcadia”. I am planning to stay for a long time. During that time while experiencing Amami, and including a period of repair, I think that I can do something for the local people .


“Arcadia” planned to participate in “Melbourne – Osaka Double handed Ocean Yacht Race” on March 15, 2018. During the voyage from Osaka to Australia, Arcadia was badly damaged with gear trouble in the Ogasawara ocean, and we decided to abstain from the race as a result. Although we had done basic repair at Chichijima Port, it was our first thought  to go to Koniya Port for further repair, to avoid rough weather conditions in winter, prepare for a voyage back to Osaka.

While my sailing partner returned to Osaka, I stayed at Koniya Port and lived on a yacht for two months so I have explored Amami and Kakeromajima. So I am thankful to many local people for having done well and now I would like to contribute something for the region (to stay a little longer) and give back to the people.

I have worked in Osaka for 15 years as an English teacher for universities, business colleges, high school English professors (teachers), companies and business people. In New Zealand I was a rural (country) business consultant. My family lives in New Zealand’s Christchurch (a tourist city on the east coast of the New Zealand South Island).

I am interested in many outdoor activities such as English conversation as well as sailing and diving, water activities, cycling, trail running, hiking, golf, understanding cultures as I meet people at traveling destinations. Interested people, group guidance is also OK. Please do not hesitate to contact me.


Love at first sight

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